The JCR Committee represents the entire undergraduate student body of St Catherine’s. We’re here to represent your views, address your concerns and organise a whole load of amazing events! Committee members are elected in Hillary or Trinity term, they hold the position for one academic year and you can read more about what everyone does below:
Annie Porter

Hiya! I’m Annie (she/her), I study Economics & Management, and am the current JCR President. My role is to represent all the undergrads at Catz to the rest of college and the wider community. I’ll be leading the JCR committee and helping them with all the exciting ideas/events they have planned for the year! I also chair the fortnightly JCR open meetings where students can submit ideas for any changes they want to see. I sit on various college and uni-wide committees where I voice the JCR’s views and put forward their ideas. Most importantly I send and receive lots of emails. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions/concerns/ideas – big or small I’m always happy to help!
Vice President
Riya Kataria

Hi everyone, I’m Riya (she/her) and I’m the JCR Vice President at Catz. I’m originally from California, but now I live in the UK for half the year studying PPE. As VP, my main job is to run the room ballot, but I also work with the college to speak up on behalf of the students alongside the President. In general, I’m here to help the students, whether it be to advocate for more funding for our buildings, organize photos for matriculation, or just support the rest of the committee in making your experience at Catz the best possible. I’m always happy to hear from anyone, whether you have any questions, requests, or just want to say hi.
Chloe Ralph

Hi everyone! I’m Chloe (she/her) and I am the JCR Secretary here at Catz. I’m from Wales and I study Experimental Psychology. My role here is to create the agendas for the open meetings and committee meetings as well as keeping the minutes to ensure everyone can keep updated if they can’t make it to meetings. I also help organise the meetings and help anyone out with formatting motions. Please let me know if you need a hand with motions or want to know how meetings work! My role is also to ensure that all of you are aware of any developments around college. I do this by looking after the notice boards in the JCR and sending out notices. If anyone needs my help at all, I’m happy to help!
Konrad Kopp

Hi I’m Konrad (he/him) and I’ll be this year’s Treasurer. I’m from Vienna, Austria and I study PPE. As treasurer, my main jobs are setting the budget every term and making sure everyone gets reimbursed for the money they spend. Additionally I’m also the person to contact should you need any financial help from college or have any questions about budgeting. I plan to run a budgeting workshop in freshers week and create a document outlining all the ways you can get money from college. Feel free to get in touch.
Women*’s Welfare
Emma Serle

Hello, hope you’re doing okay! 😊 My name is Emma (she/her), I study English Language and Literature, and I’m your Women*’s Welfare Rep this year! I am here to look after your welfare needs, whether that is organising Sunday Munch, providing sanitary and sexual health products, distributing 5th Week Freddos, or chatting about anything over a cup of tea (or coffee, or hot choc!). Just generally adding to Catz’s positive vibes! Being at Oxford can be tough, so it’s important to make the most of the good moments, celebrate the victories and be kind to ourselves and others! Please email me or say hi when you see me around college…I’m tall and smiley, so quite easy to spot!! xx 💖
Men*’s Welfare
Sam Hughes

Hey! I’m Sam (he/they), I study Biology, and I’ll be your Men*’s Welfare Rep for the next year. I, along with the other welfare reps Faun and Emma, will be in charge of making sure everyone is feeling safe, warm and welcome in Catz and in Oxford. The welfare of all male students in the college is my priority, but I’ll be trying my best to ensure the needs of every student are met, whether that be physical, mental, or sexual. Over the year we’ll be putting together a bunch of different events like Munches, 5th week Freddos, movie nights and various trips out and about Oxford. We’re also here to lend an open ear to Catz students, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or the other welfare reps. Don’t be afraid to email if you need to talk or just want to chat 🙂
LGBTQ+ Welfare
Faun Williams

Hello everyone ! My name is Faun (they/them) and I will be your LGBTQ+ Welfare Rep for next year. I’m from a tiny village in North Wales, and I study Linguistics and Modern Greek. As one of several welfare reps, I’ll be in charge of making sure that each and every student feels comfortable, happy, and safe in Catz life, with a particular aim towards the specific welfare and needs that LGBTQ+ students might have. As welfare reps, our jobs are a mix of making sure that students have access to mental, physical, and sexual health resources, organising various events to help students unwind and socialise in their downtime (think painting nights, think movie nights, think museum trips, think yoga), and generally just to give Catz students a port-of-call if they need a friendly open ear or advice for any problems they might have during their time at Catz ! If you have any questions, or just want a chat, feel free to email me < 3
Alex Friend
Cici Hong

Hi we’re Alex (he/him) and Cici (she/her) and we will be this year’s Entz reps! Alex is studying Biomedical Science and Cici is studying Spanish. We can’t wait to bring Entzs back to you all after a long year without them. Some of the themes we want to do this year are the Name Game, Masquerade, and what you wanted to be when you were younger. Along with all of these we will also be bringing back unofficial Entzs and the other big events in the Catz calendar. Feel free to come and talk to us or drop us a message to have a chat or ask us any questions about events!!
Jodi Coffman

Hi everyone, I’m Jodi (she/her) and I study Geography. As the Freshers’ Rep, it’s my role to organise fresher’s week including club nights and freshers bags, as well as making the Freshers’ Guide and designing the Freshers T-shirts. I’m also in charge of stash throughout the year so let me know if you have any suggestions for new stash items. After Fresher’s week I’ll still be making sure to welcome freshers into the Catz community, answer any questions and raise any concerns to higher authorities. I’ll always be around for advice, help or just a friendly chat in Fresher’s week and beyond.
Careers and Academic Affairs
Sasha Stead

Hi, I’m Sasha (he/him), and I’m the careers and academic affairs rep. I study Biochemistry, and my role in the JCR is to help students solve academic related issues. For example, I run the JCR book grant to help students purchase textbooks, and I will be organising career fairs. One of my most important roles is running UNIVERSITY CHALLENGE TRIALS, which will occur at some point during the first term, so if you’re keen to flex your brain muscles on TV, make sure to try out! Also, if there are any problems you are facing relating to the library, let me know and I’ll do my best to resolve them (and other issues you have)
Tom Aston

Hey, I’m Tom (he/him), a second year computer scientist, and I’m the JCR IT rep. My main job is to help with (and hopefully fix) any technical issues that you have at Catz, from the struggle that is Eduroam through to laptop issues. I also maintain the JCR website (so please let me know of any comments/issues), manage the maillists and am the returning officer for JCR elections. If you have any questions, issues or want me to pass anything on to college IT then I can be reached by email or by Messenger.
Clubs and Societies
Barnaby Tremlett

Hi, I’m Barnaby (he/him) and I am the clubs and socs rep. Essentially I just refund certain sports/society related claims, but you’ll learn more about that when it’s relevant. I also run the freshers fair, and hope to see you all there. If for whatever reason you need to contact me, my email is above.
Oxford SU
Beth Proctor

Hi guys, my name’s Beth (she/her) and I’m this year’s SU Rep! I’m from Nottinghamshire and I study Spanish and Portuguese. My role is to represent Catz JCR at Student Union meetings and to keep everyone informed about what’s going on in the SU. When a controversial motion is being debated, it’s my job to raise it with the JCR and vote accordingly. If you have any ideas that you want to take to the SU then please get in touch!
Social Media
Eva Asiedu-Addo

Heyy! I’m Eva (she/her), I study Experimental Psychology and I’m the Social Media Rep for this year. This is a new role on the committee and my main job is to post on all the JCR-affiliated social media accounts as well as work with other committee members on their respective college affiliated social media pages. I’m also in charge of loaning out the JCR camera, GoPro and camera accessories to JCR members. If you have any questions or ideas for any of the social media pages then please email me!
Harman Randhawa
Greta Naslenas

Hey everyone! It’s your JCR art reps Greta (she/her) and Harman (he/him) and we will be organising lots of fun artsy events for you all!! The art scene at Catz is pretty vibrant with the college having works by prominent artists such as Barbara Hepworth and Tom Phillips. The college itself is designed by Arne Jacobsen, a significant functionalist Danish architect who designed everything in the Old Quad from the chairs in the rooms to the cutlery in the dining hall. We as the art reps will make sure to provide such vibrancy and excitement through our arts events such as life drawing sessions, art exhibitions, open-mic/music nights and more! If you would like to initiate any arts-related projects in college or would just like some funding for art supplies, we are your people!! Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us about our roles, arts events or any other queries that you have about arts at Catz.
Alternative Entz
Joe Foster

Hello everyone, I am Joe (he/him) and I study History. I am the Alternative Events (Alt Entz) rep for this year. Alt Entz runs alternative options for people who don’t go to Entz. There’ll be an Alt Entz for every Entz and alternatives to some freshers week events as well. I am always open to suggestions of what people would like to see at Alt Entz so please don’t hesitate to send anything along. I look forward to welcoming everyone to Catz and if you have any questions about Catz, Alt Entz or anything else, ping me an email
Dom Phillips

Hey guys, I’m Dom (he/him) and I study History and Politics. As Access Rep, my job involves the representation of the Catz student body. I work on outreach and admissions with other members of the JCR Committee to make sure Catz lives up to its reputation of having a broad and inclusive family of a student body. I want to make sure everyone feels welcome in Oxford, and I’m always a short email away.
Levi Hayes

Hi, I’m Levi (she/her), I study History and Politics and I am this year’s Class Rep! My role is to represent all working class, low income, state educated and first-gen students at Catz. My job is a mix of improving access opportunities for working class applicants and promoting the welfare of current working class students. Oxford can be a scary prospect for students from these backgrounds, but I want to be a friendly face for any concerns 🙂 If you have any questions about what it’s like at Catz for working class/state school/low income/first gen students then please get in touch and I’m happy to share my own experiences.
International Students
Alex Sevcenco

Hi! I’m Alex (she/her), I study Engineering, and I’m going to be your International students rep for this year. I’m originally from Russia, but have lived in Spain since I was 11, so I know the struggles that come when moving abroad. My roles in college include being in charge of International storage rooms, organising events and just making sure everyone from the international community feels safe and happy at Catz! Email me about anything, I’m here to help you 🙂
Amy Sullivan

Hey, I’m Amy (she/her) and I’m your Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) rep this year. It’s my job to ensure that people of all backgrounds feel comfortable and belong in an environment which may seem outwardly scary. From experience, adjusting and adapting to life at Oxford may seem daunting – but by building a BAME community within Catz we have a safe space which should hopefully make you feel at home. Please feel free to message me about anything!
Tariro Hombarume

Hi everyone I’m Tariro (she/her), I’m this year’s disabilities rep. I study human sciences and I’m from Teesside (big up my northerners) . Having a hidden disability myself I understand the importance of accessibility and want to contribute to a more inclusive college atmosphere. It is my job to provide information and support, so don’t hesitate to contact me on my email.
Magdalena Stenfors

Hey there! I’m Magdalena (she/they) and I study Physics. My role as LGBTQ+ rep centres around representing the Catz LGBTQ+ community, making sure your student life is fun and safe from discrimination. I’ll help keep you informed about events going on in Oxford, as well as organise some in Catz, so you can make the most of your time here. I also liaise with the LGBTQ+ Campaign, who are working to push for positive change for queer and trans students. Joining the Catz and Oxford LGBTQ+ Societies is a great way to get involved, and my email is always open.
Jackie Hovell
Cleo Murphy-Hogg

Hello everyone! We’re Jackie (she/her) and Cleo (she/her) and we are this year’s women*’s reps. We are studying Law and History. We are here to represent the interests of all women at Catz, including cis and trans women, as well as anyone with complex gender identities who associate in some way with the term woman. We prize the active community of women* at Catz and seek to make it open, inclusive and safe. Our job as women*’s reps includes running consent workshops throughout the year, running Catz FemSoc, and the various events this entails, and clearly sign-posting the services and resources available to you. Ultimately, we aim to improve women* student’s experience of Oxford and St Catz. Our job is to listen and support you, so please do get in touch at any time, about anything big or small.
Charities, Environment and Ethics
Poppy Wood
Huw Paige

Hi everyone! Our names are Poppy (she/her) and Huw (he/him) and we’re this years Charities, Ethics and Environments reps (CEE for short). We do Human Sciences and Geography respectively. Our job involves running charity events – like Monday quiz nights in the JCR (hope to see you there!), working with college on sustainability, and coordinating with university-wide campaigns. We will be around during Fresher’s week but feel free to contact us before that if you have any questions! Facebook or email are both fine 🙂