Current Committee

The JCR Committee represents the entire undergraduate student body of St Catherine’s. We’re here to represent your views, address your concerns and organise a whole load of amazing events! Committee members are elected in Hillary or Trinity term, they hold the position for one academic year and you can read more about what everyone does below:


Axel Roy Lee –

Hello! I’m Axel (he/him), your JCR president this year! I’m a second-year law student, and I grew up in Tokyo, South Korea, and Singapore. As JCR president, my responsibility is to be a vocal representative for our student body in interactions with College governance, chair JCR open meetings, and support other committee members’ initiatives. This year, I’m very excited to implement a range of new projects with the JCR committee to make our lives at Catz more enjoyable and ensure students have the support they need. The Catz JCR has always been extremely special as one of the largest and most diverse communities in the University, and our committee seeks to maintain high standards year-round to ensure that the Catz undergraduate experience continues to be inclusive and uniquely rewarding. We’re always looking for feedback and ways to improve our college, so please join the debate and decision making at open meetings and feel free to get in touch with me!

Vice President

Kelsey Moriarty –

Hello! I’m Kelsey and a second year historian. I’m your Vice President this year and my role involves supporting the President, attending meetings with College (including rent negotiations), arranging matriculation photographs, and doing the room ballots. I also assist students generally. This all means that I spend a lot of time on Outlook, so feel free to email me if there’s something I can help you with!


Sebastian Evans –

Hi, I’m Seb, and I’m the JCR secretary. I’m currently studying Biology. My role is to organise the JCR open meetings by calling for motions and setting the agenda. I’m also in charge of reporting to the JCR members who couldn’t attend these meetings, what happened in them so everyone knows what’s going on, alongside updating the JCR noticeboard, so keep an eye out for any opportunities/events you would like to partake in. Feel free to ask me any questions!


Georgi Pilz –

Hi – I’m Georgi (she/her), a second year Physicist, and I’m your Treasurer for this year! I will be keeping track of the budget this year and reimbursing all the necessary people so that you can enjoy all the incredible events etc. that the committee organises! Do get in touch if you have any questions!

Women*’s Welfare

Sophia Aung –

I’m Sophia (she/her) and I study Human sciences. I am very excited to be your women*’s welfare rep this year and to help make your experience at Catz as positive as possible! The other welfare reps and I will be bringing you loads of events this year. We are kickstarting the welfare excitement with a visit from a mobile farm in freshers’ week but there will also be regular Sunday munches, 5th week Freddos and activities such as pottery painting. Additionally, we ensure that the plodge box is replenished with free sexual health and sanitary products. The three of us are here to listen to your concerns so please reach out to us for anything at all. We really want to do as much as we can to make you feel at ease at Oxford.

Men*’s Welfare

Lewis Holmes –

Hi, my name is Lewis Holmes (He/Him), I am a second-year chemist, and I will be your Men*s Welfare rep for this year. Along with Sophia and Thomas I will be running many events throughout the year such as weekly munches, farm visits and much more. I may be the Men*s Welfare rep, but I am here for all of you to make your time here at Catz as easy as possible so if you have any questions or problems just give me a shout. We also maintain the plodge box and ensure you all have any sexual health and sanitary products you may need. We all know how hard studying at Oxford can be so feel free to reach out whenever you need to!

LGBTQ+ Welfare

Thomas Bygrave –

Hi, I’m Thomas (he/him). I’m a second year law student and this years LGBTQ+ welfare rep. As one of your welfare reps, I will be available to chat with you about any problems you have, or refer you to someone who can provide you with the help you need.   I really want to make your experience here at Catz as great as it can be! Although I am the LGBTQ+ welfare rep, I am happy to talk to anyone about any manner of support. You’ll see me and the other welfare reps around college, most prominently every Sunday when we set-up and host munch (a popular weekly event where we provide snacks to boost your mood). We also fill the plodge box with sexual health and sanitary products. I look forward to meeting you over the coming year and feel free to contact me with any issues you may have or even just for a chat!


Akika Altman-Chandler – 
Herbie Ince –

Hey everyone! We’re Akika (she/her) and Herbie (he/him) studying Human Sciences and Philosophy & Linguistics, respectively. As your entz representatives this year, we can’t wait to throw some crazy parties— with themes like barbenheimer, glow-in-the-dark, and sexy sub-fusc, as well as new initiatives, like themed drinks and inter-collegiate entz competitions. We want to up the Catz spirit and incentivise turnout for every entz, so we hope to see you all there!! Feel free to reach out to either of us with any ideas or if you just want to get involved.


Ted Holbrook –
Maddy Oliver –

Hi everyone! We are Ted (he/him) and Maddy (she/her), both 2nd year Geographers at Catz, and we are your JCR Fresher’s representatives for this academic year. Our role is, as the name suggests, to organise everything related to freshers week and the induction process of new undergraduates to the student body and college.We completely understand that moving away from home to university is a completely new experience for the vast majority of freshers so we are here to answer any queries before, during and after freshers week or in the space of your first year as a whole. No question is a silly question so feel free to contact us with any you may have. We also organise stash (college clothing) so make sure to keep an eye out for our emails regarding this!

Clubs and Socs

Ed Siklos –

Hi, I’m Edward (he/him), I study Chemistry and I’m the Clubs and Societies Rep. I reimburse people for Uni-Sport expenses and club expenses. Feel free to email me if you want to start or join a society.


Ishwor Paudyal & Charlie Knight –

Hi, we’re Ishwor (he/him), a second year engineer, and Charlie (he/him), a second year mathematician; and we’re the IT reps for 2023/24. Our role involves helping fix any technical issues you might have, especially in freshers week with Eduroam! We’re also resonsible for setting up elections, mailing lists and maintaining the JCR website, so please email/messenge us if there’s something you’d like to see on there or if you need any help.

Careers and Academic Affairs

Jools Morgan –

Helloo, I’m Jools (she/they) and I do Biology!! As this year’s Careers and Academics Rep, I will guide students with Career queries- connecting students with alumni in the industry, organising careers events and bridging communication between the student body and the Development Office. I will also be available for reimbursing textbooks with the book grant and voicing concerns between the JCR and the library. Trials for University Challenge will be run by me in Michaelmas, and I encourage anyone interested to try out!! If anyone needs resources or support (or have any questions in general) please feel free to contact me. 

Oxford SU

Ava McCarthy-Kerrigan –

Hi! I’m Ava (she/her), I study Biology and I am the Student Union rep for this year. My job is to vote on behalf of the JCR at SU Council meetings, which are held every two weeks, and keep the JCR updated about the SU’s activities. This includes consulting the JCR on any important or controversial motions within Council meetings to get a JCR mandate. Please feel free to message me on Facebook or email if you have anything you would want to take to the SU or if you have any questions at all!

Social Media

Jay Wong –

Hey everyone! I’m Jay (he/him) and I study Law. I’m your social media rep for this year and I hope to bring many plans into fruition. My role is to manage the Catz social media accounts, but I also want to expand this to increase communication with the JCR. I will be aiming to do newsletters informing you of current JCR issues and notices. Please feel free to message me!


Ava Martin & Perth Maharjan –

Hi! We’re Ava (she/her) and Perth (she/they) and we’re your arts reps. Ava studies History and Perth studies History of Art, and we are also college wives. We loved attending the events last year and want to make art as accessible as possible; we know that there are lots of talented people hidden in Catz! We also manage the termly arts and publishing budgets so if you need any funding for art supplies or want to organise any arts events, let us know! Catz’s passion for the arts is evident at its roots, with the original quad of the college being designed by renowned Danish architect Arne Jacobsen, and the polarising opinions on our lovely concrete rooms help keep the arts alive. We are also creating a mini arts committee for this year, to hopefully showcase a wider variety of arts, making sure that everyone feels welcome and every event. We hope to boost the vibrancy of the already established arts scene at Catz by running events such as music nights, life drawing sessions, art swaps, munch crafts and more. We’re very excited to see you all celebrating the arts this year!

Alternative Entz

Max Sogan –
Amy Wild –

Hi! Our names are Amy (she/her) and Max (he/him), and we are the joint Alt-Entz heads. We are in the 2nd and 3rd years respectively, and we look forward to running this society. We have wonderful students come along to Alternative Entz from all years, and we are here to organise the events, welcome you along and listen to any changes you suggest to make things even better!


Lucia Pyne & Julia Gartold –

Hi! We are Lucia and Julia and we are the current Access reps at Catz. We are both studying Biology , and both from the North West of England. We will be working closely with the development team and JCR committee to continue, and develop access and outreach for potential students, making sure everyone is well informed, and confident in their decisions when both applying and transitioning to Catz. We will also be working to ensure information about access and financial support for Catz students is well communicated. Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!


Deyonce Murdock –

Hi, I’m Deyoncé (she/her) & I study Psychology & Linguistics here at Catz. As Class Rep, my focus is on students from working class/low-income backgrounds as well as those who are state educated, first-generation students or care-leavers. This involves not only improving access for students from these backgrounds, but also ensuring their welfare once they’ve been admitted & throughout their time here at Oxford. If you have any concerns or queries, please don’t be afraid to get in touch – I’m always up for a good chat & ready to help with any class-related concerns 🙂

International Students

Konrad Wefing –

Hey, I’m Konrad and I’m your International Students Rep for the coming year. I study PPE and lived in Germany before coming to university. I know that moving to a foreign country can add to the stresses of starting university and want to help international students with settling in and feeling welcomed. I want to strengthen the International community spirit at Catz, organise fun events and facilitate exchange with international communities of other colleges. Feel free to reach out to me by email or messenger about international students issues or anything else! 


Antonio Gato & Anish Karia –

Hi, we are Antonio and Anish, your Ethnic Minorities Reps here at Catz! 🌏☸

We are second year students in Modern Languages and Law, respectively. Antonio comes from Togo and Italy. He is an active member of multiple cultural societies. He possesses first-hand experience in creating inclusive environments that value diversity. Anish’s roots are in India. As a Law student, his initiatives effectively advocate for the rights and interests of every individual.

Together, we are a dynamic team. With our combined experiences, we are ready to address the needs of Catz community. Welcome to a space where everyone’s voice is valued, respected, and heard. Let’s build a college community that celebrates diversity and thrives on unity. 🫶🏽


Catherine Goldie –

Hey! I’m Catherine (she/her), I study Law and I am the Disability Welfare Rep for this year. It’s my job to provide any support or information, as well as to help resolve any accessibility issues – so don’t be afraid to email me at any time, I’m always here to help!


Priyanka Dijo –
Ella Fryer –


Lauren Gray –
Florence Purcell –

Hi! We are Florence and Lauren, and we are your women*’s reps for this year. Our responsibilities include the running of St Catz FemSoc, supporting the welfare team and providing a positive and welcoming presence within the college. By working closely with other College reps (welfare, LGBTQ+, BAME, disability, class etc.) we would like to continue making Catz a space where everyone is easily heard and supported.  We would love for Catz FemSoc to be an open and enjoyable space for the women* of the college and hope to hold engaging and exciting debates as well as fun socials and charity events throughout the year.

Suspended Students

Erin Portia Broadhurst –

Hi, I’m Erin and I’ll be your Suspended Students Rep! I’m 3rd Year PPL, and I love theatre, animals and a bit of true crime… I suspended my studies in HT of first year to pursue an ADHD diagnosis, so I know how hard it can be. During my time in the role I promise to do all I can to make the suspension process as pain-free and positive as possible!


Petrina Lander –

Hi, I’m Petrina (she/ her) – I’m a second year medic and your Charities rep for this year! My role is to organise fundraising at Catz, including the weekly Monday night quiz and events such as Catz Take Me Out, karaoke and foodbank collections! Each year we support ‘Emilie’s Charities’ along with two other charities which are nominated and voted for by students – I’m looking forward to hearing about causes which you are passionate about! I’ll also share information about other charitable initiatives, volunteering opportunities and activism to get involved in. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or ideas for events!

Ethics and Environment

Zia Rahman Fry & Benji Scholten – 

Hi! We are Benji (he/him) and Zia (he/him) (Engineering/Biochemistry) and we are your Ethics and Environment reps this year. We will be trying to reduce the impact Catz has on the environment and will be pushing both the college and JCR members for change. You may see the occasional email from us ( with suggestions about how we can reduce our carbon footprint. On the ethics side we hold regular meetings with the university to discuss any issues. Please feel free to contact us with ideas, concerns, or information about how you can reduce your own environmental impact!