Mental Health

At Catz, there are people you can talk to at every branch of the welfare tree about any issues you are having. This ranges from your welfare reps to your trained peer supporters to the Deans and various staff; their contact info can be found here. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have an issue, big or small, or just want to talk!

If you feel like you need a professional to talk to, our in-college counsellor, Susie, can be found in staircase 1. She doesn’t have set office hours but can be contacted to book an appointment at​. You can contact her for a one-off session or on a more regular basis.

The university also has its own free & confidential counselling service, where you’re able to talk to professionals trained to treat a wide range of issues. Their info is below:
3 Worcester Street, Oxford, OX1 2BX
Tel: 01865 270300
Email: ​
Website: ​